Upcoming AVA Events

AVA Annual Picnic

Sunday, August 2nd, 2025 at 12 Noon
Hoot Owl Picnic Grounds
8400 Highway 128 in Alexander Valley

Begins at Noon
$25 Per Person, no charge for 12 & under

A heartwarming annual gathering for Alexander Valley Association members both neighbors and friends.

Following our tradition of holding the picnic on the first Sunday in August, we invite you to join your Alexander Valley neighbors for an afternoon of friendship, food and Alexander Valley wines. Please feel free to bring your whole family. Also, please invite neighbors who do not yet belong to the AVA.

We ask you to provide a salad or dessert. We will once again judge both salads and desserts with surprise ‘guest’ judges. Judging takes place between 12:15 and 12:45, so have your creation there by 12:15 in you wish to participate. Share your favorite salad or dessert dependent on your last name.


It is a longstanding AVA tradition to have members bring their own reusable picnic supplies (glasses, utensils, plates, and napkins). If you forget, we will have plenty to share.

RSVP required. — Alexander Valley Association Members only.
The announcement and email invitation will be sent in early July 2024. Please look for it!

AVA Picnic

Annual Meeting 2026

Saturday, February 14th at 8:30am
Alexander Valley Community Hall
5512 Highway 128 in Alexander Valley

The Annual Meeting is an informational meeting to share news and updates from:

California Senator Mike McGuire
California State Assembly Chris Rogers
Sonoma County Supervisor James Gore
Sonoma County Sheriff Eddie Engram
Northern Sonoma County Fire District Chief Marshall Turbeville
Russian River Property Owners Association President Brad Petersen
Alexander Valley School Superintendent Matt Reno

Alongside information about the:

Sonoma County General Plan
River Rock Casino
Alexander Valley Firehouse
Permit and Zoning

Open to members of the Alexander Valley Association and the community.

“Being the AVA's treasurer for several years prior to the Kincade Fire brings back fond memories of not only helping the organization with its basic accounting tasks, but also getting to know the other board members some of whom have become life-long friends. Neighbors who work together to help build a vibrant community create an ongoing important organization for those to come!”

-Kathy Monson, Past Board Member & Treasurer of Alexander Valley Association